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If you are an individual or company that would like to volunteer time or unique services please contact us. Bequests are also an important source of funding for the Institute, so please contact us for information about updating your Will.
If you’re a company interested in providing ongoing support please contact us. Parters also become part of the Future Focus Research Program & receive invites to special Baird Institute events. Partners can support researchers through fellowships as well.
Our Supporters
Chairman’s Council
Diamond Supporters
Platinum Supporters
Gold Supporters
Partners in Research
Aspin, Margaret
Balmer, Jean
Bell, Kenneth
Berman, David A
Bertolet, Elizabeth
Bourke, Peter Gerald
Dallimore, Steve & Michele
Davies, Julie A
Dennis, Charles
Ede, Dianne J
Edwards, Robert
Ellen, Jill
Finch, Kerrie Elizabeth
Fletcher, Herbert H.
Galvin, Annette Yvonne
Greenaway, Kenneth George
Griffiths, Robert
Hall, Douglas Godfrey
Hau, Thanh Duc
Herrmann, Dudley Charles
Jaric, Mijo (Mick)
Knight, James Arthur
Lagilevu, Aisea
Lam, Thanh Diem
Leabeater, Margo Rose
Lewis, Ronald Henry
Lozan, Peter
Marschall, Dr and Mrs Richard
McAlister, Graeme C
McCarthy, Terry
Molesworth, Sue
Murray, Robert Gordon
Northill, Edith H
On, Thi Thua
Oosterhuis, Wiepko
Oregan, John E (Jack)
Paget, Reginald G
Palmer, Bryan
Papadopoulos, Con
Quinn, Patricia Wade
Rae, Jeanie
Reed, Geoffrey Arthur
Reed, Janice
Rodwell, Olive Lorraine
Scoulis, Peter
Smith, Celia L
Smith, Christine
Tan, Kim T
Tomlinson, Ian
Tegel, Ross & Pam
Underwood, Wendy
Wilster, Pamela
Regular Donors
Bennett, P.P & N.A
Bishop, John Anthony
Cathcart, Graham
Collins, John D
Davies, Julie A
Dogao, Guerrino P & Laura
Dolton, Lesley Joan
Ferguson, Marlene J
Hooper, Ken
Kennedy, Doreen Olive
Kuczalski, Bigger
Leverton, K.C.
Meyrick, Marie T
Pascoe, Bert & Marg
Quinn, Patricia Wade
Ramsay, Alan
Rooke, Betty E
Thomas, Rodney
Turley, Graham
Van der Oest, Louise J