Research Publications
Our primary focus at The Baird Institute is to encourage and fund research to improve the surgical outcomes and quality of life for patients facing heart or lung surgery. The funds we raise go directly to research that improves the surgical procedures associated with heart and lung surgery. Improvements can include less intrusive procedures as well as techniques that improve survival rates.
Below you will find a list of publications that our surgeons and research fellows have been involved in writing.
Outcomes of On-Pump versus Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery in the High Risk (AusSCORE > 5)
Dhurandhar V, Saxena A, Parikh R, Vallely MP, Wilson MK, Butcher JK, Black DA, Tran L, Reid CM, Bannon PG Heart Lung Circ 2015 Feb; PMID: 25778621 Abstract BACKGROUND: Coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) has been established as the preferred intervention for coronary revascularisation in the high-risk population. OPCAB may further reduce mortality and…
How should I treat a complex critical left main bifurcation lesion in a patient with poor left ventricular function, an occluded dominant right coronary artery and severe peripheral vascular disease?
Martínez GJ, Molina J, Byrom M, Puranik R, Ng B, Bailey BP, Patel S, Dworakowski R, MacCarthy P, Ochala A, Smolka G EuroIntervention 2015 Feb;10(11) PMID: 25692609 Abstract
Anaortic OPCAB for high-risk patients
Edelman JJ, Vallely MP Heart Lung Circ 2015 Feb;24(2):206 PMID: 25249473 Abstract
How many sutures should a sutureless valve need?
Byrom MJ, Sivakumaran Y, Vallely MP, Wilson MK, Bannon PG J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. 2014 Dec; PMID: 25626952 Abstract
Neurologic Injury and Protection in Adult Cardiac and Aortic Surgery
Seco M, Edelman JJ, Boxtel BV, Forrest P, Byrom MJ, Wilson MK, Fraser J, Bannon PG, Vallely MP J. Cardiothorac. Vasc. Anesth. 2015 Feb;29(1):185-195 PMID: 25620144 Abstract
Comparative transcriptome profiling in human bicuspid aortic valve disease using RNA-sequencing
Padang R, Bagnall RD, Tsoutsman T, Bannon PG, Semsarian C Physiol. Genomics 2014 Dec;:physiolgenomics.00115.2014 PMID: 25547111 Abstract Intrinsic valvular degeneration and dysfunction is the most common complication of bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) disease. Phenotypically, it ranges from calcific aortic stenosis to redundant or prolapsing regurgitant leaflets. The underlying molecular mechanism underpinning phenotype heterogeneity of valvular…
Position Statement for the Operator and Institutional Requirements for a Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) Program
Walters DL, Webster M, Pasupati S, Walton A, Muller D, Stewart J, Williams M, MacIsaac A, Scalia G, Wilson M, Gamel AE, Clarke A, Bennetts J, Bannon P Heart Lung Circ 2014 Oct; PMID: 25488705 Abstract The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ) and the Australia and New Zealand Society of Cardiac and…
Replacement of the aortic root with a composite valve-graft conduit: risk factor analysis in 246 consecutive patients
Woldendorp K, Starra E, Seco M, Hendel PN, Jeremy RW, Wilson MK, Vallely MP, Bannon PG Heart Lung Circ 2014 Dec;23(12):1187-93 PMID: 25038031 Abstract BACKGROUND: Composite valve-graft (CVG) replacement of the aortic root is a well-studied and recognised treatment for various aortic root conditions, including valvular disease with associated aortopathy. There have been few previous…