The Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery (ISSN 2225-319X) is an international bi-monthly peer-reviewed publication, dedicated to the field of cardiothoracic surgery, with the primary aim of providing critical analysis and comprehensive overview of contemporary topics within the field.
The interplay of best clinical evidence, surgical education and global impact makes the Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery (ACS) the leading contemporary surgical journal, setting it apart from traditional journal formats.
The ACS is proud to announce that it has received its inaugural Impact Factor of 2.895. This excellent result places ACS as the fourth most highly ranked journal dedicated to cardiothoracic surgery.
This Journal Impact Factor reflects ACS’ drive for best clinical evidence through comprehensive systematic reviews/meta-analyses in all aspects of cardiovascular and thoracic surgery; a commitment to surgical education through highly-cited keynote lectures, multimedia videos and detailed illustrative articles; and a vision for global impact, achieved by working closely with our esteemed Editors and Authors.
The Editor-in-Chief, Professor Tristan Yan, along with all the editorial staff at ACS would like to thank the Guest Editors, contributing authors, reviewers, and members of the Editorial Board for their ongoing support.
We look forward to continuing our work in delivering the most comprehensive and educational resource to the cardiothoracic community.